Navigeren tussen keuzebiografie en institutionele sturing: alleenstaand...
In recent decades, significant changes in terms of relationships and family are observed. Beck and Beck-Gernsheim argue that individuals increasingly shape their own biography and that who belongs to...
View ArticleTewerkstellingskwaliteit, gezondheid en welzijn voor werknemers en zelfstandigen
At the beginning of the 21st century, the standard employment relationship (SER) is no longer the only dominant form of organizing labour. Instead, a variety of employment arrangements have appeared,...
View ArticleDe combinatie werk-gezin en het gebruik van formele kinderopvang bij vrouwen...
Naar aanleiding van de stijgende vrouwelijke arbeidsmarktparticipatie gedurende de tweede helft van de 20ste eeuw, werd beleid ter ondersteuning van de combinatie werk-gezin in westerse landen...
View ArticleEen herbeschouwing van het West-Europese multiculturele debat in een...
This article presents the findings of a qualitative literature review on the central questions in the Western-European “multicultural debate”, with specific regard for the Belgian region. The...
View Article“If you put in the effort, you will get ahead.”: een onderzoek naar de...
In the master’s thesis on which this article was based, the influence of e-inclusion initiatives on citizenship among migrants in Antwerp was investigated. The central research question is accordingly:...
View ArticleNaar een onbegrensde verbeelding?: identiteits- en grensprocessen bij...
Against the background of international conflicts and terrorist attacks ‘in the name of Allah’, many Flemish natives perceive the Muslim population as a threat to our society. At the same time,...
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